Is Broome and the Kimberley an Australian storm chaser's dream - you bet!

Living in Perth most of my life, I always thought storm chasing was for other country's but I have been educated, now that we live in Broome, the Kimberley, Australia. Rod Evans
We have had so many tourists chasing storms right here in Broome with amazing pics available everywhere in social media and media. 
You can pull up anywhere in Broome and around Broome experience these amazing lightning storms. 
Sometimes, we get weather temperature relief, sometimes we get some rain. This time last year, there was cyclone's and a number of low's that caused major supply and damage to Broome. 
It is the wet season now and it's starting to gather momentum and, generally, makes for happiness around town, a wash off of red dirt and a cooling down before a nice humidity steam up! Broome Weather Group #broomeandaround#lovebroome #broomelife

Thanks to ABC Kimberley for this pic and story yesterday and to

Photo by 📸

Broome actually has six weather seasons accordingly to the local people from Yawuru - now is the Wet Season.

More information to follow

Call Candy and Rod on 0419 018 800 to talk about your event, holiday or tour aspirations in Broome and the Kimberley. Our commitment is to make it the most memorable holiday adventure experience you have taken on!